Special topic on Animation
Class 1
There are different approaches on how I see the project.
We could do a 10 minutes film and feed the viewer information. It will definitely spark their interest, but their interest towards the research might end at the end of the video.
KONY 2012 is an example of a well made film (even there are controversy regardless to its content)
But the main goal which the video tried to deliver was massive “facts,“ stories, examples, and asking their viewers to share it among their friends using empathy and the power of persuasion that enrages the audience and make them “want” to be a part of it. At the end, besides sharing the video, it also proposed an event which it is asking people to do in order to viral-lize the situation.
Video dissection -
- A view of the internet world
- “a way” how people contribute
- a sad yet heartwarming story (Jacob)
- the problem
- all the numbers and facts about the problem
- what is causing those problem, really narrowing it down to ONE, which is KONY
- then propose a problem
- make viewers want to participate, and ask them to share, and participate at the “blackout”
The pro - The Video made through a quick circulation among facebook and got massive attention and even attention from the mainstream media. The video did inspire people to care, and to understand what is happening and overall to ask them to act to a solution.
The con -
Six aspects that should be the fundamental basis of “our” film, that was used throughout KONY 2012
Science of persuasion - watch at
We want to make people think about it
We want to make people search about it
We want to make people talk about it
I propose quick, sharp, short videos that has the potential to end up on video streaming network , is shareable and has "viral able" content.
The objective is to raise awareness instead of information. The best example is the ice bucket challenge, the fundamental concept is to acknowledge the issue then have the information attached or inserted elsewhere.
We want to deliver a "hey dude check this out" interest. Then develop from there.
A sample how I envisions the style and concept
Class 2
Question - Therefore, the question that needs to be asked: "How can our petroleum-based economy operate in an environmentally responsible way -- while costs to industry and consumers remain reasonable?" John Brian Shannon , http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/john-brian-shannon/the-best-gateway-to-china_b_1143740.html
“Take a minute to look at the scenery within a five-minute drive of the port at Kitimat, B.C. -- the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline terminus -- while you decide if having the best environmental standards applied to the tar-sands and its petroleum transport system qualifies as "spending" or "investing" in B.C.'s future.
See, you're an investor in Canada's environment. I knew you were a good person! We are all environmental stakeholders when it comes right down to it.”
“An interesting alternative to shipping raw crude oil employed by the world's number one oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, is to highly refine petroleum into ethane gas which is I think is a safer product to transport, from an environmental standpoint. If a leak occurs while the product is in transit, it doesn't destroy underground aquifers or kill ocean life.”
Let’s not say “We can’t do this.” Let’s ask “How do we do this?” And Let’s do it.
“know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss.” The Art of War.
And this is the “opponent” who we are facing now.
Look at that stunning visual presentation
And this is one of their tons of animation
I specifically choose a French Version, to show you, even without understandable verbal information, their visuals are still amazingly developed and transcendence to audience.
And best of all, they are short, quick, and sharp.
So we need to be as good visually, also to be extraordinarily creative to out shine them.
Also, I can give you ten plus videos with one search result with anti-oil, oil spill, environmental or commentary videos instantly, in fact I did.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNa2OW43IcM
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMzrADc6b1c
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEwpBaPRqCE
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvdwXSdfaDk
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDIdUtSvEgg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE_BOxFu4Oc
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_7Hb9uu7CY
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6mn9MDiZ70
They all look stunning! each of them are exquisitely done, and well animated.
From all ranges too! stop motion, hand drawn, after effect animation and even hyper realistic 3D.
And I kid you not, they all got facts, numbers, stats, and full of awareness and educational
Therefore, again, we really need to be creative in our visual approaches
And keep in mind “Let’s not say “We can’t do this.” Let’s ask “How do we do this?” And Let’s do it. “
We need to do a story, and let its visual tell the story. I propose to #Follow the Spill
Character - Lovable character , zombie like, irresponsible trait.
Going Green - 0:40 - 1:00
[Construction of the film]
- (authority) First we need to reference experts, use their credibility to let people believe our information and animation.
- (consistency) show fragments or smaller version of our overall message, then it will be more acceptable later on in the film.
- (Reciprocity) Ask “What have you done for the society?” Don’t give the audience response yet, give a little hint, then turn back and give them a constructed solution later, and direct this message to them, personalize the phrases.
- (scarcity) identify what is unique about our film and proposal, and what would people lose upon denial.
- (reciprocity) What do people owe to the society that makes them talk about the pipeline, propose “two side”, note solution, a side.
- (Liking) make correlation between us and the viewers, and give them genuine compliments to agree with us, long term wise to response to us.
- (consensus) to point out what many “similar” others are doing.
- Job Creation
- 3000 construction jobs
- 560 long term jobs
- All in BC
- $32 million per year in earned income for local economies
- Building skills for workers
- Skills for workers will be transferrable to jobs outside of just the pipeline
- Help workers remain employed
- Working with local communities/companies to help grow within
- Building communities with well paying jobs
- First Nations
- Offered to become equity partners
- 10% stake
- $1 Billion in long term benefits
- Financially BC
- $1.2 Billion will be generated in tax revenue for education, hospitals, infrastructure
- $4.3 Billion in labour-related income over the next 30 years
- Canadian GDP to grow $300 billion over 30 years
- Socially
- We can’t live without petroleum and petroleum-based products
- We need to admit that this country is eventually going to mine, upgrade, sell and transport tar sands products
- Environmentally
- Marine life will be harmed
- Uninhabitable
Rather than having people say, “oh gee, I didn't know that, thanks for the letting me know.”
We want them to feel, “oh shit, I knew that but I’ve never taken any action towards it.”
Then question them again, “what have you done for our society?”
where it floats
- City , suburbs, Natives, Temperate Forest , Marine life, soil, vegetation system, river stream, ecosystem, agriculture farmlands, atmosphere,
3 Important Points Dr. Ruth Bear wants us to capture:
How it impacts:
- Financial
- British Columbians
Aboriginal Life
- Oolichan Fish
- Their culture
Lord of War Opening
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